The instrument JonoStim is a medical device for electrotherapy able to disburse a continuous current between that could change among 0 and 20 mA.
JonoStim can be used both to favor the introduction of medicines in the body through the skin (ionoforesis), that for the antalgic typical action of the direct current applied through galvanotherapy technique. Besides JonoStim can be used in the treatment of the Hyperidrosys, and in aesthetical treatment against the cellulitis.
MEDICINAL IONOPHORESIS: it is a technique that exploits the continuous current to introduce medicinal substances in watery solution in the organism in the form of ions, suitable in the treatment of pathologies that could interest superficial structures around the articulations and on the articulations like elbow, wrist, hand, knee.
IONOPHORESIS AND GALVANIC THERAPY: The galvanic therapy is constituted by the employment of continuous current, that facilitates the reabsorption of the edemas and it develops an antalgic action suitable in the cases of muscular hypotrophy, pain to the sciatica and traumatic post arthrosis. Other technique can be represented by the galvanic bath, consistent in the immersion of the parts of the body to be treated in the tubs containing lukewarm water together with the electrodes of an instrument for ionophoresis, this technique unites to the first one the advantage to treat bodily surfaces of greater dimensions allowing a distribution uniform of the tide on the treated surface.